Master Bedroom Is A Thing Of The Past – Here’s Why

It’s now called Primary Bedroom.

The phrase “master bedroom” first appeared in the 1926 Sears catalog – interestingly enough Sears Holding filed Chaper 11 Bankruptcy in 2018 and bye bye Sears.  We won’t go into the long story of what aused the downfall of Sears and the juicy details behind the store closings, let’s just suffice to say out with the old and in with the new.

Just like where Sears was once the largest retailer in the world, the master bedroom referred to the largest bedroom in the house.

In 2020 it was clear by the real estate industry and those consumers purchasing homes that the term “Master Bedroom” now has connotations of sounding innappropriate, lacking diversity, inclusion and even sexist.

What do you think of when you hear the word “master”…I will let you ponder that while I digress as to why this post is important and why the new term Primary Bedroom is more appropriate.

As of June 2020, a universal language system that keeps the industry consistent across digital platforms was put into place and in this system, primary bedroom is the new term to reflect the largest bedroom in the house in most cases on the upper level.

Things don’t stop there, it was also recommended that other terms change including replacing the term

…”his and hers bathroom” with the phrase Shared Bathroom.

…”walk up stairs” with the phrase Non-Elevator.

At Secure Home Inspections we are sensitive to this and realize all facets of the real estate industry need to adjust with the times, including inspectors.  From this post forward, all inspection reports that include discussion about a “master bedroom” will reference it as a “primary bedroom”.  It’s not an actual section in the report but when things come up like windows, bathrooms and well, anything structure related. If the issue pertains to that bedroom, it will be referenced as the primary bedroom.

Here’s an inspiring primary bedroom with a view to get thinking of all the ways you can integrate things around the bed to be the most amazing room in the house..but don’t forget to get it inspected!

primary bedroom extraordinaire